viernes, noviembre 24, 2006

Be a pointer my friend

Empty your memory,
with a free()....
like a pointer!
If you cast a pointer to a integer,
it becomes the integer,
if you cast a pointer to a struct,
it becomes the struct....

The pointer can crash...,
and can Overflow...

Be a pointer my friend....

Sacado de un comentario del blog de mi vecino ;P yo soy un clasico, como el C autentico nadená!! xDDDDDD

y el original, sublime, sacado del anuncio del Bmw X3...

Via blog Frikis, Geeks y otras especies

otro friki...

Empty your Hardisk...
be illogical, useless..
like Windows!!

You put Windows into a bottle,
it's still a Bottle,
You put in a computer,
it becomes a teapot..

Windows can Block..
or it can fall..

Quit Windows my friend

Via: Faq-mac (con video ;P)

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